Laura Sahr Schmit - Attorney
Laura Sahr Schmit provides compassionate, highly skilled legal representation to her clients in the areas of divorce, domestic abuse, paternity, third party custody, parenting time, child support, division of property (marital and non-marital), and spousal maintenance (also called alimony).
Laura’s philosophy for families going through divorce or custody proceedings with children is the well-being of the children is paramount. Laura took a leave of absence from the practice of law to be a stay at home mom to her three children and has a unique sensitivity to the concerns of both working parents and stay at home parents. She also has an understanding of what it is like to return to work after having been out of the workforce for a period of time and the accompanying challenges. For those individuals divorcing closer to retirement, the issues are different. Laura helps clients identify what they want their life post-divorce to look like and how to achieve it. Laura is both an advocate and a counsellor helping clients through life transitions with dignity, wisdom, and empathy. Laura firmly believes her clients are best served with a negotiated settlement where the client has a voice in the final agreement as opposed to submitting the matter to the court to determine the outcome. However, Laura’s background in theatre and law make her a zealous advocate in the courtroom on behalf of her clients.
When not practicing law, Laura enjoys directing high school musicals and plays, sailing, skiing, white water rafting, travelling and book clubs. Laura is married with 3 adult children and one dog.