Cooperative Practice is a client-centered approach aimed at helping participants reach agreements that satisfy their best interests. A cornerstone of the Cooperative Process is a Participation Agreement which defines and governs how the process will unfold.
Flexible & Adaptable
The process is flexible and adaptable to the unique circumstances of the family. Participants may move between negotiation models, dispute-resolution mechanisms, litigation and back again, as needed.
A cornerstone of the Cooperative Process is a Participation Agreement, which defines and governs how the process will unfold. With the help of their lawyers, participants customize that Agreement to fit their unique needs. It provides participants with the opportunity to make informed choices from the full spectrum of options for their case.
Choose your own path
In the Cooperative Process participants can choose their professionals, choose the method of resolution, and still have the ability to opt out of the process should they choose, while retaining their chosen professionals.