Cooperative Practice is a client-centered approach aimed at helping participants reach agreements that satisfy their best interests. A cornerstone of the Cooperative Process is a Participation Agreement which defines and governs how the process will unfold.

Flexible & Adaptable

The process is flexible and adaptable to the unique circumstances of the family.  Participants may move between negotiation models, dispute-resolution mechanisms, litigation and back again, as needed.



A cornerstone of the Cooperative Process is a Participation Agreement, which defines and governs how the process will unfold.  With the help of their lawyers, participants customize that Agreement to fit their unique needs. It provides participants with the opportunity to make informed choices from the full spectrum of options for their case.


Choose your own path

In the Cooperative Process participants can choose their professionals, choose the method of resolution, and still have the ability to opt out of the process should they choose, while retaining their chosen professionals.

Why Choose Cooperative Practice?

Cooperative Practice offers a variety of benefits, among the most significant being the opportunity to control outcomes, minimize conflict, and ensure long-term success. A defined process can provide predictability and reduce stress and emotional upset.

Cooperative Practice puts the decision-making power right where it should be, in the hands of the participants and not in the hands of strangers.


Cooperative Statement of Process


CPN Participation Agreement

Our Members


Cooperative Practice Network members are committed to providing top quality guidance through the process in a manner that will help you navigate your family matter. Recognizing that this is a very stressful and complicated time in your life, the cooperative process is meant to ease the conflict. Divorce is difficult, but together we can create a more cooperative solution.

Find A Professional


Attend A Meeting


The Cooperative Practice Network of Minnesota (CPN) hosts a monthly meeting, held the third Wednesday of each month at the Women's Club of Minneapolis. We regularly have an informative speaker on different topics pertaining to Family Law and the Cooperative Practice. Most meetings are eligible for CLE credits and include lunch. Registration and networking begins at 11:30 a.m. and the meeting runs from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. The meeting cost, including lunch, is $20.00 for members and $35 for non-members. YOUR FIRST LUNCH IS ON US! Come check us out!


Membership Information 


The Cooperative Practice Network of Minnesota is made up of family law professionals, including attorneys, paralegals, mental health professionals, financial professionals, as well as other professionals involved in the work of family law.  We welcome new members from all areas of expertise to join us at CPN and invite you to enjoy lunch on us the first time that you visit.  To join us, download the membership form, and bring the completed form and payment to a monthly meeting or mail it to the address at the bottom of the form.

All pricing and membership information is included in application. As noted above, YOUR FIRST LUNCH IS ON US! Come check us out!

If you would like more information, please complete the contact form and someone will contact you within 48 - 72 hours.